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About the Podcast

Business Superfans Podcast
Exploring strategies that turn employees, customers, and business alliance partners into devoted superfans, who amplify brand recognition and drive sales, fostering long-term success.
Welcome to the Business Superfans Podcast, hosted by Frederick Dudek, also known as Freddy D. Our mission is to uncover practical strategies and effective tools that transform your employees, customers, and business alliance partners (complementary business partners) into devoted superfans (advocates). Imagine the transformative impact of superfans who not only elevate your brand's visibility, but also improve employee and customer retention, foster loyalty, generate positive reviews, attract referrals, and increase sales and profits—all at no additional cost. Join us as we reveal the incredible power of Business Superfans and how they can position your business for sustained success.
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About your host

Profile picture for Frederick Dudek

Frederick Dudek

Frederick Dudek, author of the book "Creating Business Superfans," and host of the Business Superfans Podcast. He is an accomplished sales and marketing executive with over 30 years of experience in achieving remarkable sales performance results in global business markets. With a successful track record in the software-as-a-service industry and others. Frederick brings expertise and insight to help businesses thrive., he shares invaluable knowledge and strategies to create brand advocates, which he calls business superfans, who propel organizations toward long-term success.

Born in rural France, Frederick spent summers on his grandfather’s vineyard in France, where he developed a love for French wine. As a youth, he showed a strong aptitude for engineering and competed in drafting and design competitions. After winning numerous engineering awards, he became a draftsman working on numerous automotive projects. He was selected to design the spot weld guns for the 1982 Ford Escort car. That led to Frederick joining the emerging computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) industry, in which he quickly climbed the ranks.

While working for a CAD/CAM company as an application engineer, an opportunity presented itself that enabled Frederick to transition into sales. It was the right decision, and he never looked back. In the thirty-plus years Frederick has been selling, he has earned a reputation as the go-to guy for small companies that want to expand their business domestically or internationally. This role has allowed him to travel to over thirty countries and counting. When abroad, Frederick’s favorite pastime is to go exploring for hours, not to mention enjoying some of the local cuisine and fine wines.

Frederick is a former runner and athlete. Today, you can find him hiking various trails with his significant other, Kiley Kaplan. When not writing, selling, speaking, or exploring, he is cooking or building things. The next thing on Frederick’s bucket list is learning to sail and to continue the exploration of countries and their unique cultures.