Episode 4

Published on:

7th Sep 2022

Mr Biz Radio | How to Create Business SuperFans with Author, Frederick Dudek

Check out the latest episode below. Mr.Biz Radio provides business owners with the knowledge and insights needed to drive their companies forward.

This is an interview with the author of Creating Business Superfans, Mr. Frederick Dudek.

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Unedited transcription of the show is included below:


Welcome to Mr. Biz radio, Biz. Talk for Biz owners. If you're ready to stop faking the funk and take your business onward and upward, this show is for you. And now here's Mr. Biz, Ken Wentworth.


All right. Welcome to another episode of Mr. Biz radio with me, Mr. Biz, Ken Wentworth. And this week we're gonna, we're gonna take a, a kind of a different, I guess, angle on something, you know, we've talked about on the fringes of, of things like this, but we have an absolute expert in this space and that is creating business, super fans. You know, we hear the term influencer all the time, things like that you know gurus and whatnot. But our guest this week has actually written a book about how to create business super fans. And we, it who wouldn't want that, right? It just allows you to do so much more with the audience you have building the audience you have, et cetera. So this week our guest is known than Mr. Frederick Dudek Frederick. Welcome to Mr. Biz radio.


Hey Ken, thank you for having me on your on your show, really excited about this.


Yeah, so when Frederick is not turning ideas into millions of dollars in global sales, the award-winning author speaker and top sales, executive expenses, time inspiring others to achieve their biggest and highest business goals. Now you can receive the benefit of Frederick's mentorship and experience through his book, "Business Super Fans". So let's get started. Tell us a little bit about some of your background, Frederick your, your entrepreneurial journey, if you will.


an idea, if you remember the:


And back in:


And so basically what it, the approach was that my software was just happened to be a vehicle that would help them accomplish their goals. And by having that kind of a, an approach, they started recommending me to other businesses. And so, like my record in sales was you know, I, we back then used to, you know, carry around all the big computer systems. And we went to this manufacturing company and we were about to bring in, we were bringing in all the computer stuff and the owner goes, no, no, no. Jack told me that I need to speak to you. He goes, I need to know what's it gonna cost me? And how fast can you get it here? Because we're doing extra work for them. So in 30 minutes, most of the time was putting it into the proposal, faxing it to corporate so that we could get the, the, you know, his system to him as fast as possible.


And it was all because I had a super fan that in turn recommended me and told this guy that they should buy from me. So it wasn't a cost of pricing anymore. And as I, you know, managed my distributor network around the world, weren't, you know, these guys are independent businesses and so they can handle and market a multitude of products. You know, we were, they were all engineering and manufacturing products, but to get the mind share you had to maintain those relationships. And that's when I learned a lot about you know, motivating those in the independent distributors and they'll, and their sales force to in turn market, our fair share product. And that's how we grew because we implemented recognition of not only the agency that was the reseller, but also the people that were actually doing the work, because at the end of the day, you know, they're out there doing the sales and the owner is the one that, you know, owns the company.


So we recognized both of them and gave them awards and multitude of different things like that. So that really kind of grew. And that's how I was able to take it from zero to about 3 million. Like I say, net, and then you, I moved on into some other industries. And recently I've been working with a interpreting and translation company and I've been kind of consulting and working with them. And in the last I've been dealing with them for the last 14 months. And we've grown that business by one third and they've been stagnant for over five years. And it's all basically by, again, building up the team internally recognizing employees, recognizing customers, putting out a newsletter and multitude of different things. And that's what it has propel me to where I'm at today.


Nice, nice. Well, you know, we, we've only got a couple minutes left here in a segment, but I wanna go back. It's gotta be quite a career shift for you going from being a draftsman into sales. What, what caused you to kind of make that, that change, that shift?


One of it was, I watched a lot of sales. People not know what they're doing, trying to sell technology. And what I realized was, you know, they weren't presenting a solution. They were just trying to sell a product. And, you know, I was fortunate years ago, I met a guy that turned me on to motivational books and inspirational books. I worked at a gas station back then and that, that he actually he's noted in the book because he completely changed my life. And that was one of the things that I realized was that, you know, you, you need to be looking long game, not the short game. And so that's one of the reasons that I would go with speak with owners in an executive management, in the companies of where do they want to be five years from now, and then how do we get there?


And the other approach was, you know, a lot of people talk about solutions selling all that stuff I looked at, okay. When do you wanna be profitable with this technology? And then I kind of invented the reverse sale, which is okay. So, you know, we're not talking when you're buying it, we're talking when you're making money with it. And then we gotta work that all the way back to includes training and, and running two systems tandem until you're ready to switch over multitude different things. And that, that completely changed the game and collapse the sales cycle.


Yeah. It makes a lot of sense. And you know we've talked about it on the show. So many different times is that even the folks who say, oh, I don't like sales. I'm not a salesperson. We are, every person on the face of this earth is a salesperson. Whether you wanna believe it or not. And maybe not in a business sense, but for example, and I use this example all the time. Cause I think it's funny. If you have kids, you are a salesperson because you're trying to talk your kid into eating green beans at the dinner table that is you're selling. You are selling your kids on why they should eat their green beans. So we're all


So vice versa device versa. The kids saying, mom, I'll be good. Follow, talk to your dad. So I'll, I'll sell dad. I'm buying me this thing, cuz I'll clean my rule


And stuff. So we're gonna hit, we're gonna hit a break here. We'll come back talking with Mr. Frederick Dudek,


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Got a question for Mr. Biz. You want answered on air, email it to info@mrbizsolutions.com. Now once again, here's Mr. Biz.


All right. Welcome back to the show. And it is time for Mr. Biz tip of the week. And this week is actually, it's a quote from none of them. Mr. Grant Cardone, who anyone who's been watching the show for any length of time knows that I've mentioned him often and have some connections with him and he's been on the show actually a few times as well, but he has, he, he, when I first heard him say this I think at a, at a conference a few years back, I'm like, ah, I'm not sure I believe that, but the quote is best known beats best product every time. And if you think about that, the example that I like to give is is McDonald's okay. I'm not trying to pick on McDonald's, but is McDonald's so popular because they had the best hamburgers you, you could argue, maybe they had the best fries cause their fries are amazing.


However no, it's, they're best known everywhere you go. There's McDonald's McDonald's is known worldwide, globally, all over the darn place. It's not because they had the best product at all. And frankly, it's becoming, they're not even the most convenient anymore. I think that was one of the be advantages they had way back is they were very convenient, but they've even kind of lost some of that, especially with some of the changes, a lot of other restaurants and food places in industry have made changes since the pandemic. But so that is the, the tip and keep that in mind, you know, best known beats, the best product that doesn't mean to have a crappy product doesn't mean that at all. But it's the, the, the Genesis of the whole thing is you have to get known in. I, I, you know, if someone in Idaho I'm in Ohio and if someone in Idaho I could help, they don't know who I am, I can't help them.


So I have to be able to, you know, get known and have people know who I am and what, how I can help 'em. So that is the Mr. Biz tip of the week, this week. So Fredrik tell us a little bit about, let's talk about your book, Business Super Fans. I know in the next segment we're gonna, you're gonna give us some tips on how to create some super fans, but so I don't want you to give away in that secret sauce until we get to that point. But tell us a little bit about the book. What caused you to, you know, wanna write the book and, and, and how'd that how'd that all come to fruition?


Okay. Well, the, the book was an idea that I've had for a while and this book actually about four years into making I started a couple different ideas and they really didn't get off the ground. Didn't get any legs. I, I ran it by some people and basically just says, eh, it's nothing spectacular. And so, you know, crumbled it up, tossed it out and started again in a different traction, a different direction. And then all of a sudden I got an idea that basically about two years ago, you know, I got connected to some people that could help coach me through writing the book and, and you know, editing and all that stuff. And I, I started to look at, you know, what would be a good topic, and I've always thought of, you know, blending, why can't a business owner, get the energy from a sports team, super fan, which is where the people got their faces painted and they got the banners and they got the bumper stickers and are promoting the the team is the team paying them for that?


Not at all the opposite, they're, they're paying to buy the merchandise.


Right. But they're promoting the team. Yeah. So the idea was why can't businesses create their own super fans to promote their business. So I started looking at some research, you know, and doing some research on some of that stuff. And one things I realized is that people were writing stuff, but they were silos in, in my mind, you know, there's people that, you know, are experts in customer retention, customer motivation, customer engagement, and that's, that's it. Then there's other people that talk about employee motivation, employee retention and all that stuff. But that's it, nobody ever talks about business Alliance partners, complimentary businesses. You don't see any books on that stuff. And when I thought about it for a moment, you know, and that's when the idea popped in is that really they're intertwined. You know, if you listen to sir Richard Branson, he talks about, you know, take care of your employees, he'll take care of your customers.


told her, okay, I threw down:


And what I created was, I didn't want it to be a book that you just read, you know, you read it, here's the book, you read it. Okay, nice. It's on the shelf and it's never looked at again. So I designed this book as more of a playbook that you can go back to each chapter and everything that you need to do in that, relative to that chapter is in that chapter. And that's really the difference between this book and other books is that it combines ways and means of what I would call old school and new school methodologies to basically elevate or convert your customers, employees, and business Alliance partners into business, super fans.


Well, ironically enough, if you think about it, this week's tip the quote from Grant Cardone really ties into, you know, the concept of creating super fans and frankly, for yourself as well in writing this book. I'm sure because of the book you've gotten to be more well known, right? I mean, it, it opens doors for you.


Absolutely. It's it has changed changed my life in a, in a fun and exciting way because it gives me also the ability to share, you know decades of global sales and marketing experience with you know, so entrepreneurs small to medium size business owners that, you know, are, are good at what they do, but they don't necess, they get caught up in, in working in their business versus on their business. And so I kind of look into help them kind of get themselves out of their own way and, and get the team, which is collectively, you know, although three groups, because if you think of it this way, you've got a let's say a painting company and a flooring company. Let's just keep it real simple, but they compliment one another is people get new floors and the paint needs no wall.


I mean, the, the wall needs to paint. The other way around, you know, you get the new paint on the walls. Well, the flooring needs to be replaced. And so those are complimentary businesses. However, if your employees or your team that goes out there and doesn't do a good job, that's a reflection on both companies now. And so that becomes an issue because now both people have lost a potential referral source and more worse is that they could possibly get a negative review, which, you know, you can't remove. And so that has a real profound impact. So, you know, those are things I, I talk about as well as an example would be that the painting guy is always giving the, the flooring guy referrals, but the flooring guy is not giving the painting guy any referrals. So now that becomes a, a, you know, a challenge because it's a one sided scenario and eventually the painting guys can say, you know what this relationship isn't working and that relationship falls apart.


Yeah, for sure. And I can see that and, you know, it's, it's, it's one of those things that I, I think you, you hit it on the head. Frederick is, is a lot of folks overlook those you know, those complimentary type businesses that, that aren't in com competition with you. But our, you know, like you said, complimentary and can help each other. Again, we're talking this week, guys with Mr. Frederick Dudek, he is the author of Business Super Fans", and you can find out more actually at businesssuperfans.com. You can go out to his website and check out. Everything's got going on there. We're gonna hit a break here. But when we come back, Frederick is going to give us some tips on how we can create business super fans. Cause that's, again, what we all want. And again, it ties into this week's tip of becoming best known and helping grow your business in that manner. So when we come back, he's going to help us get us some business, super fans.


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Heck out all three of Mr. Business best-selling books at mrbizbooks.com. Now, once again, here's Mr. Biz.


aving an integral part of the:


Okay, well let's talk about the book. This is what the book looks like. Mm-Hmm okay. And I'm gonna go through some of the chapters real quick just to give people an idea of what's in there. Yeah. So it all begins with prospecting. That's the first chapter, especially if you're a new business, how do you get business and why follow up is super important. We get into that. Thank you for builds a bond of trust. Get personal with birthday greetings create an environment of appreciation, give 'em what they crave recognition retention saves you money, go beyond expectations with unexpected extras reviews are a new word of mouth and grow exponentially through referrals, attraction rooted in gratitude game time. So one of the things I talk about is in the, in the book, is that not only is there stories, but there's actual action steps and recommended tools to utilize for those to, to help you fulfill some of those items.


Mm-Hmm . So, you know, for example, in here in appreciation is give a thoughtful, personalized gift to somebody. So, you know, if you give somebody a swag product, you know, it's nice, but it's all about you, cuz it's basically, you're promoting yourself. If you modify that and make it, you know, to say, okay you know, put Ken's name on it and say, Hey Ken, here's a great appreciation gift and it's got it still may have my logo on it, but it's got your name on it. Now it's your coffee cup versus just a generic coffee cup. And so those are, that's just one example, something very cost effective that you can do. The other thing that I kind of goof around with is, you know, birthdays people overlook the importance of birthdays, but birthdays is really a clever marketing strategy because it, you know, when I was dealing with my, you know, my customers, as well as my, you know, resellers or my channel, you know, when it was you know, someone's birthday and I happen to be in that country, we, I take 'em out to dinner or something just to, you know build relationships and, and build that camaraderie.


So one tip could be that, okay, if you're a brick and mortar business guy, you could turn around and say something kind of humorous and just say, Hey, don't tell my accountant, but I'm gonna give stuff away today. It's my birthday. And it's my business. I'm giving it away. I mean, it's, it's completely the opposite of what people think, but the actual cool part is they're gonna come to get the thing that you're giving away and most likely, what are you gonna do? Buy more stuff. Yeah. And so it works, you know, one of the customers that I've coached in this in, in a business, super fan strategies, they opened up a pot pie store in a pandemic. And what they did was one of the girls, it was a cashier, was that anybody that did a spent over a hundred dollars on pop pies and stuff, she would do a chicken dance and they videotaped it and they put that on Facebook.


followers on Facebook to over:


Okay. That's nice. It's one to one mm-hmm . Now, if I turn around and says, Hey, everybody, I want to thank Ken for his efforts in getting me on this show and all the things he does and to help other people and grow their businesses. Do you see the dynamics? Sure. I mean, it's, it's much more, it's much more you know, I'm edifying you. And so those are the things that I talk about that it's really important to, to be doing it, you know, that we take for granted, most business owners have the mindset. Well, just wait a minute. You know, I'm the one that gave you a job. Well, yeah, but no employee, no business. So, you know, what are you gonna do to, to keep them motivated? And it's the little simple things. It's the you know, one of the big things I talk about is the unexpected, extra, doing something that nobody has thought of, quick, short story which I've actually wrote the story in the book.


And then we went, we ordered stuff from a restaurant. We went to go pick it up. You know, I went nothing that no order. So the manager comes up real quick and says, okay I'll buy you a beer. We'll get the food cooked right away, comes back out. The food, one of the dishes is completely wrong. So the apologizes profusely and goes back and says, I'll personally make sure it's done. So he goes back, gets it, cook, comes out and says, hang on a second, goes back in, comes back and says, I'm giving you guys a dessert. He hands us two coupons for five hours a piece. And I says all, wow, thank you. Okay. He says, he says, well, how much do I owe you? He goes, nothing. We screwed this up. We wanna make it right. The guy's got me as a super fan.


It's a phenomenal restaurant, great food. And we go there all the time because they did, they went above and beyond and did the unexpected extra for, for, you know, a mess up. And you know, the other thing that, that that's an important tip is, especially in, I'd say, and I don't wanna pick on any industry. So, but there's, you know, several industries where they come in, they do the work, they do a good job, and then you never hear from 'em again, you know, and we've all had work, for example, done on our homes and someone come in and done something and they disappear. They're completely gone. They don't even send you a thank you card. They never check back six months from new from now. And it's just opportunities are squandered. So I talk about ways to not let that happen, how to stay in contact with that customer because, okay, maybe they don't need your service for a year, two years, but they know people, everybody knows at least 250 people.


So by staying in contact, you may not be getting business out of them, but they could be with one of their friends or a coworker or a co-business thing. And the conversation comes up. And next thing you know, they're looking at, you know, they get referred. So those are some of the things, their thing that I did, that's unique in business, super fans is that I've created the superfan scorecard and that's to become a superfan superstar. So each chapter basically has an ability to score yourself on that chapter from zero to 10. And then you come to the scorecard, which is like a dart board, and you put your dots in where they fall and then you connect them. And most likely, most business guys will have a dilapidated wheel because they're not doing all the things they should be. So then there's an action plan into hear of what you need to do.


And there's even an ability to, to write that a aspect down, you know, what resources are gonna take what timeline you're gonna do and all that stuff. And so that's available for free offer to businesssuperfans.com website. There's also in the book, but you can get the printed version as well as for somebody that's starting up. I did a lot of research I'm putting in together a customer avatar, because if you don't know what your market is, how can you do any effective marketing? Yeah. So I've done. I spent weeks downloading, everybody's avatar, restudying it all. And we created what I think is the best one. And it's also available off the website and it goes through all the aspects of what you need to do to define an avatar and how to create your elevator pitch to attract those avatars based upon your type of business.


Got it. Well, awesome stuff. As always think time seems to fly when we're having fun. but great tips and I love the concept of it. Again, we've been talking with Frederick Dudek, he's the author of "Business Super Fans", Frederick, thanks so much for coming on Mr. Biz radio. Really appreciate it.


Well, thank you for the opportunity to be on the Mr. Biz radio show.


Yeah, absolutely. Guys. So again, go out to businesssuperfans.com. Thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. Have a great week. And as always don't forget, cash flow is king to


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L. Frederick Dudek (Freddy D)
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About the Podcast

Business Superfans Podcast
We're on a mission to turn employees, customers, and business partners into superfans! Imagine everyone rallying behind your brand, turbocharging sales, and driving our success into the future!
Welcome to the Business Superfans Podcast, where your path to building a dedicated community of superfans begins. Hosted by Frederick Dudek, also known as Freddy D, an international sales and marketing leader with over 30 years of experience selling to major organizations like Bosch, Ingersoll Rand, Banner Health, the State of Arizona, and many others. This podcast is your go-to resource for transforming your business into a powerhouse of loyalty, and advocacy, collectively accelerating profitable and sustainable success.

What sets the Business Superfans Podcast apart? We don’t just discuss enhancing customer (CX) and employee experiences (EX); we delve into the often-overlooked realm of business allies—complementary businesses, suppliers, and distributors. We refer to this experience as the Total Experience (TX). This podcast encompasses the entire business ecosystem, offering a comprehensive synergistic approach to creating superfans across all your stakeholder groups.

Each episode unveils insider strategies, cutting-edge SaaS tools, and real-world examples from various interviewees sharing their stories. These insights aim to boost your brand's visibility and cultivate a dedicated community of superfans ready to advocate for your mission.

We’ll explore the psychology of brand loyalty, uncovering the factors that drive individuals to become superfans and how you can harness this influence to build a powerful advocacy force. Whether you’re a startup aiming to establish your presence or an established business looking to revitalize your brand, the Business Superfans Podcast delivers actionable insights and inspiration to help you achieve consistent results cost-effectively.

So, why wait? Tune in to the Business Superfans Podcast and become the brand that everyone is talking about—among competitors, customers, and business allies alike. Become part of the movement and discover the key to creating superfans who will elevate your business to unprecedented levels.
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About your host

Profile picture for Frederick Dudek

Frederick Dudek

Frederick Dudek, author of the book "Creating Business Superfans," and host of the Business Superfans Podcast. He is an accomplished sales and marketing executive with over 30 years of experience in achieving remarkable sales performance results in global business markets. With a successful track record in the software-as-a-service industry and others. Frederick brings expertise and insight to help businesses thrive., he shares invaluable knowledge and strategies to create brand advocates, which he calls business superfans, who propel organizations toward long-term success.

Born in rural France, Frederick spent summers on his grandfather’s vineyard in France, where he developed a love for French wine. As a youth, he showed a strong aptitude for engineering and competed in drafting and design competitions. After winning numerous engineering awards, he became a draftsman working on numerous automotive projects. He was selected to design the spot weld guns for the 1982 Ford Escort car. That led to Frederick joining the emerging computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) industry, in which he quickly climbed the ranks.

While working for a CAD/CAM company as an application engineer, an opportunity presented itself that enabled Frederick to transition into sales. It was the right decision, and he never looked back. In the thirty-plus years Frederick has been selling, he has earned a reputation as the go-to guy for small companies that want to expand their business domestically or internationally. This role has allowed him to travel to over thirty countries and counting. When abroad, Frederick’s favorite pastime is to go exploring for hours, not to mention enjoying some of the local cuisine and fine wines.

Frederick is a former runner and athlete. Today, you can find him hiking various trails with his significant other, Kiley Kaplan. When not writing, selling, speaking, or exploring, he is cooking or building things. The next thing on Frederick’s bucket list is learning to sail and to continue the exploration of countries and their unique cultures.